Whaam Concepts is passionate about bringing brands and their people together. We are a creative agency with a superpower of design and a passion for people always seeking to save the day in the best way that we can. We are aware that we approach our business with a creative eye as design is a big part of what we do and all the other services we offer, like project management and custom brand building all require some type of out of the box thinking.
So, we know that when dealing with our clients and suppliers who have a more mechanical approach, we need a special road map. The Rules of Engagement when dealing with a creative agency must be explicit. Here is the rest of what we believe are important protocols to remember (Continued from Part 1):
Bigger Picture
It’s so easy to say “I’m not feeling that, change it”, but lots of effort is put into the flow of a project, like a Jenga tower, each component functions to keep the whole standing, remove one and everything could tumble down. Get in the habit of first asking “why did you make that choice” and then expressing what about that component is not contributing to the overall goal you want to achieve. Often you are just pointing out a symptom and the underlying problem can be more difficult to articulate. Try to say how you want the piece to make you feel – remember your adjectives. To add or remove specific elements can be tedious, and if you don’t know why you want to change that element, you won’t achieve much.
Patience Please
It’s cliché but true, creatives can sometimes be very sensitive about their work. If you meant no insult but must insist on a change they don’t agree with, they will pout. Just give them a second. Keep in mind that this as a creative agency we must always strive for professionalism, and sides must do their best to keep emotions in check. Especially when it looks like your Creative is going down that road try not to get swept up by their emotional whirlwind. Don’t aggressively condemn their reaction and don’t over defend your decision. Stand your ground but consider the creatives’ tender sensitivities.
Pick Your Battles
Not to be contradictory, but complementary, there are times when your creative will have to stand their ground, and you must back down. You need to work on a bit of a different frequency, tune in to how they work, and be more aware of your own process, this way, you’ll know if each of you are just falling into habit or a real conflict is developing. If you know you are nit picking and your creative says “that’s enough” consider it. If every revision has been met with compliance but a certain few have gotten a big reaction perhaps the passion is ignited for a reason. Trust that your creatives know what they are doing and accept that you can’t always be right.
Love It
Don’t take it too seriously. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Don’t take your creative partner too seriously. You are MAKING something. Where there once was nothing, you are now creating a thing! It’s nothing short of magical. If it’s pure of heart and intent people will love it… at least half of all people will have some degree of love for it. So remember to love making it. Enjoy the process. Revel in your ability to create. It’s a gift.
One of the many wonders of this world is that we are all different. Creatively-minded, technically-minded, scholar, teacher, doer, thinker we all have different processes, different methods. At any given time we will choose to follow one roadmap over a certain other. On our journeys, we pick the advice most relevant to us and leave behind what doesn’t work; let this be your guide. A first step down a long path of understanding each other and building ways to work together, better.
As Brand Engagement Architects we at Whaam Concepts want to make sure that your brand message shines bright through everything that you do. As a creative agency we take who you are, your brand identity and make sure that is translated into every environment, experience and marketing campaign that you create.
We are here to save your day!
(Photo by Alejandro Escamilla on Unsplash)